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Designer babies and their social, ethical, and legal issues

Social Issues 

           What if you could design your own child? Chose its gender, skin tone, height, as well as its hair and eye color. If you could, would you? This is a frequently asked question when it comes to the idea, soon to be reality, of designer babies. This technology was first sought out to find a way to eliminate genetic diseases and disabilities, but can now include your own personal desires on how you want your child to look and function. “But, by designing babies, we are, in essence, designing an entire society as well as our descendants and, in essence, our own evolution. Would these children still be an accurate reflection of us or the offspring of the marriage of science and design?” (–


             As was mentioned before designer babies could greatly impact our world for the better. This technology could eradicate many diseases such as cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, diabetes, color blindness, and various forms of cancer. By canceling out the illnesses that have a high death rate life expectancy would increase. “Not only would changes like this help the physical and mental well-being of the population, there are speculated benefits for the health care system as well. If the majority of genetic diseases could be phased out, that would result in less people requiring treatment for their illnesses. Medical staff could be more available to help with the ever increasing burden that they are facing due to the growing ageing population and less money would be required from taxpayers for those particular services.” (–


          Other advantages to choosing the child’s skill set would be a dramatic increase in that regions culture, and it can also benefit that areas athletic strength for competitions and it’s arts and musical talent. This could also be an unfair disadvantage, as a form of cheating when they are competing against a non-genetically modified person. Some however are in favor of the idea of prenatal autonomy, this give them the right to decide the fate of their children. Aditionally, those in favor with this idea have expressed that there is already a way of controlling the outcome of your children through environmental choices. For example if The parents are motivated on having their child be an athlete, they might sign them up to play soccer or basketball, they might even take them to professional games regularly. these decisions effect how the child develops and are very similar to selecting specific genes that affect how the child will mature in ways that are desired by the parents.

Examples of environmental choices 

Legal Issues 

          Fertility institutes had stopped the use on its plans to use Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD, to give parents the ability to choose specific traits they would want there baby to have. This was brought forth from the public’s response of the new idea and from their questions regarding the technology’s moral and ethical boundaries. However, there is no government restriction in the US to use this type of technology. This leaves a open window for the institutes and private clinics to have it available to the public. But, the most common reason for the use of designer babies is to determine if the baby will have a disease that may be eliminated by this new technology.


           “23andMe is a privately held personal genomics and

biotechnology company based in Mountain View, California.”

(Wikipedia). This company had obtained a patent for their use of 

designer baby technology. Though this is stated it is also said

according to Wikipedia that they had to discontinue their personal

genome service since they had no legal right to the product, and may be giving out inaccurate health results. This however did not stop them from distributing the public’s results when they would take the test, and they are still receiving new submissions everyday. Only now they operate out of Canada instead of the US. The ownership of this new biotechnology isn’t for certain yet, but with its rapid approach the government needs to make a move on it sooner rather than later.


Ethical Issues


           Some concerns with the issue on designer babies

are the impact on social ranking if it becomes possible

that people can start creating your baby with specific traits.

If this technology for designer babies becomes a reality it

could cause a separation between social standards, those

with enough money for the procedure and those without.

If this does become a reality then the social classes would

 be divided into the wealthy who can be able to select

desirable traits for their babies, and standard class who 

may not be able to access these same advancements. 

"Therefore, Econimice divisions may grow into genetic divisions, with social distinctions separating people from those of enhance traits to those without." ( -

Social pyramid after the use of

designer babies

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